校董会 & 政府

The 校董会 of beat365平台 is the official governing board of the College. Membership is composed of seven trustees elected at-large from the District and one student selected by the student body. 任期为六年,每年选举学生理事. Regular board meetings are normally held on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM at JWCC, 南48街1301号, 昆西, 伊利诺斯州. 董事会会议对公众开放.


鲍勃·瑞亚于2017年4月当选为JWCC董事会成员. 他曾协助客户处理会计问题, 税, and consulting services in west-central 伊利诺斯州 through the 伊利诺斯州 FBFM program since July 1, 并于2019年12月被任命为首席执行官. 他的教育路径包括beat365平台的学位, 西伊利诺伊大学和伊利诺伊大学. He has achieved enrolled agent status from the Internal Revenue Service and is an instructor for the University of 伊利诺斯州 Tax School. 他是联合社区银行的董事. 他是Panther Pride Foundation for Central Schools的前任主席. 1990年,他被选入伊利诺斯州农业领导项目班. Bob was the 2018 recipient of the beat365平台 distinguished alumnus award.

安迪·斯普拉格的肖像Andrew Sprague of Kinderhook was appointed to the beat365平台 董事会 in September 2017 to fill the vacant board seat left open due to the resignation of a previous board member. Mr. 斯普拉格是斯普拉格的Kinderhook Lodge, LTD .的所有者.帕克斯顿农场公司.他是斯普拉格农场公司的合伙人. 他在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校主修农业经济学. Andy was a 导演 of Development for the University of 伊利诺斯州 Foundation before returning to Pike County to start his lodging and special events business in 2001. 安迪对他的社区充满热情,喜欢为各种组织服务. He is the past chairman of the board for the Community Foundation Serving West Central 伊利诺斯州 and Northeast Missouri, 曾担任伊利诺伊州社区医院“关爱成长运动”主席, is a past president of the Hull Lions Club and has held leadership positions for the Pike-Scott County Farm Bureau. Andy was part of the early effort to establish the Western Community Center YMCA in Barry. He is a graduate of the 伊利诺斯州 Agricultural Leadership Foundation Program Class of 2012. 他积极在哥伦布路浸信会敬拜事工服事.


Griggsville的Paula Hawley于2021年当选为JWCC董事会成员. 她是派克县本地人,在那里生活了50多年, having attended her first college classes at the beat365平台 Old East School site in Pittsfield. Paula目前在财务和审计委员会任职. Paula is newly retired from K-12 education and worked for 33 years in the Pikeland School District as a teacher, 副校长, 车间副主任, 和负责人. 她担任了15年的学区负责人. 在她担任督学期间, she served on various education boards and committees including the West Central Region Vocational 董事会 and the 伊利诺斯州 Association of School Administrators 董事会 of 导演s (IASA) where she served as 总统 of the organization for the 2020-2021 school year. 保拉拿的是B.A. 斯泰森大学教育学硕士.A. 在斯普林菲尔德伊利诺伊大学获得教育管理学位.S. 西伊利诺伊大学教育领导学硕士. 她是伊利诺斯州有执照的K-12教师, 主要, and administrator and a graduate of the National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) sponsored by the Tracy Family Foundation.

唐·赫斯的肖像唐·赫斯于2013年当选为董事会成员. 他是南加州人,获得了传播学学士学位, 在内布拉斯加大学林肯分校辅修文化人类学. 在那之前, 唐曾是一名公路卡车司机,拉过干货, 冷藏, 暂停了牛肉, 油罐和易燃物. 大学毕业后, Don served as a lead instructor for the transportation and defensive driving programs at the Center for Transportation Education and Emergency Vehicle Operations Center in Oklahoma. Don was recruited to beat365平台 to start a truck driver training program in 1994 and ultimately served as director of transportation and public safety programs until he retired in 2013. 唐目前经营DLH Associates, Inc .., 它通过事故分析为法律界提供帮助, 培训评审和新项目启动协助. He is a former two-term president of the National Association for Publicly Funded Truck Driving Schools, 卡车运输协会前董事会成员, 专业卡车司机协会董事会成员、评估组组长, 也是伊利诺伊州和加利福尼亚州卡车运输协会的成员.

兰迪·格林威尔的肖像兰迪·G. 昆西的Greenwell于2019年当选为董事会成员. Dr. Greenwell retired from Spoon River College after serving as Vice 总统 for Instruction and 学生服务 for six years. 在那之前, he was at beat365平台 for 23 years where he served in various positions including a tenured faculty member and Chair of Business 项目 as well as both Dean of Career and Technical 项目 and Dean of Transfer 项目 for twelve years. Dr. 格林威尔拥有博士学位.D. 在卡本代尔大学的劳动力教育专业, 他在西伊利诺伊大学获得硕士学位, a bachelor’s degree from 昆西 College and an associate’s degree from beat365平台. Dr. Greenwell has served on several advisory boards and State Wide 伊利诺斯州 Community College panels.

拉里·费舍尔肖像拉里·L. Fischer of 昆西于2011年当选为董事会成员. Mr. Fischer retired from beat365平台 after serving as Vice 总统 for Instruction for seven years and director of agricultural programs for nearly 26 years. He holds a master’s degree from the University of 伊利诺斯州- Urbana/Champaign and a bachelor’s degree from Southern 伊利诺斯州 University-Carbondale. He is a former president and past member of the 伊利诺斯州 4-H Foundation 董事会 of 导演s, 伊利诺伊大学农业学院/ACES校友会, 南伊利诺伊大学农业科学学院校友会, 大派克工业发展公司董事会和查多克学校董事会.

安吉拉·格里格的大头照皮茨菲尔德的安吉拉(安吉)格雷格于2023年当选为JWCC理事会成员. 她住在派克县,在那里住了40多年. 安吉目前在课程委员会任职. 她是皮茨菲尔德高中的校长. 这个职位她已经干了十六年了. 安吉的成绩是B.S. 西伊利诺伊大学商业教育硕士. 一个M.A. 在斯普林菲尔德伊利诺伊大学获得教育管理学士学位,并获得教育学硕士学位.西伊利诺伊大学教育领导学硕士. She is an 伊利诺斯州 licensed 9-12 Business Education teacher, 主要, and administrator. 也, she is a graduate of the National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) sponsored by the Tracy Family Foundation.


坎农·迪克曼是昆西圣母大学2023届毕业生. Kannon is a member of the Student Government Association at John Wood serving as the 学生受托人. 高中时,他参加了学院领导项目,还踢足球. His senior year he was involved in the Adams County CEO program where he founded and ran his own small business. 坎农目前受雇于伊利诺伊州昆西的Big Bro 's BBQ. 2025年5月, he will graduate with an Associate’s Degree in Accounting then plans to transfer to a four-year university to earn his bachelor’s degree with the ultimate goal of earning his CPA.

博士大头照. 布莱恩·伦芙洛Dr. 布莱恩·伦弗洛于2023年1月成为约翰·伍德社区学院的第七任校长.  在成为学院院长之前, 他曾担任德克萨斯巴黎初级学院学术指导副院长. Other previous higher education experiences included Associate Vice Provost of Academic and 劳动力 Affairs, 临时机构效率主任, 研究及规划, 泰勒初级学院专业技术项目主任, 鹰眼社区学院商业和公共服务学院院长, 科罗拉多山学院副院长, 塔兰特县学院区公共安全学院专家, 导演, 在复活节肯塔基大学进行国土安全培训, 企业和公共安全研究所所长兼系主任, 西北阿肯色社区学院刑事司法专业.   Dr. 伦芙洛还担任过教员.   伦弗洛获得了博士学位.D. 在爱荷华州立大学攻读高等教育, 阿肯色大学人类学硕士学位, 并获得田纳西大学人类学学士学位

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